Welcome To The Official Website Of Bill Brennan

Learn How I Reversed My ALS With Intermittent Fasting And A Ketogenic Diet

About Me

I have been studying either: Nutrition / Nutrition Science / Biology / Biochemistry / Neuroscience / Endocrinology / Neuro- Endocrinology for 6-18 hrs / day 7 days / week since my diagnosis on 11-2-2019 ( the day of my diagnosis, to where I was told nothing could be done, to go home & expect to die soon ) I was in a wheelchair back then, soon after I lost my ability to talk, soon after that, I began choking on my food, became too weak to cut up my food, eventually had to have someone else prepare my meals, then no longer could chew my food, had them blend up my food in a blender, had to drink my meals. Eventually, my studying began to pay off big!!

The human body is amazing, when it’s healthy, it can remove toxins all by itself. The vegetable oils / ultra processed foods destroy our health, cause virtually ALL of our diseases. When they genetically modified our foods, they gave us death sentences because foods which cause chronic inflammation, cause our diseases!! Most People don’t know nutrition, Most people don’t know we’re being lied to by all our public health organizations. Most people don’t know that our government is protecting those who produce the foods that make us sick, fat, obese, and/or diseased! Most people don’t know if they follow the Dietary Guidelines, ( Food Pyramid ) they’ll become sick, fat, obese, and/ or diseased!! They want us sick, fat, obese, and/ or diseased!! They profit from us being sick, fat, and diseased!! Big Pharma, 9 huge Food Conglomerates, U.S. government, all get rich by doing what they’re doing to us.

What I Believe Is The Cause Of ALS

A.L.S. / MND’s ( motor neuron diseases ) are actually an accumulation of many hidden underlying overlapping symptoms / diseases, caused by stress, nutrient-deficient foods, high sugars / refined carbs, processed and ultra processed foods which lead to the following:
– SIBO ( Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth )
– Metabolic Syndrome
– Metabolic Dysfunction
– IR ( Insulin Resistance )
– Dysautonomia
– Dry Beriberi
– Wet Beriberi
– Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine ) deficiencies
– Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies in general
– Lyme disease
– Mold Toxins
– Mycotoxins
– Heavy Metal Toxins
– Environmental Toxins
– Neurological Lyme ( Tick-Borne Bacteria )
– Leaky Gut Syndrome
– Pernicious Anemia
– B6 Toxicity ( which can give the same symptoms of ALS / MND’s / Lyme!! )
– High Oxalate Diets ( Produces Neurotoxins in unhealthy people )

ALSO, Other Causes Of ALS / MND’s

– TBI ( Traumatic Brain Injury )
– Anestesia ( Surgery Weakens Immune System )
– Parasites
– Stress
– Q: Are you or were you under constant stress for a long time?
– Your body is susceptible to diseases when under constant stress because stress doesn’t allow the body to heal properly, ( it disables or lowers the immune system and robs the body of B1 and B1 is needed by every cell in the body in order to function. )

Check out my interview with Healing ALS