The base of the ALS / MND Protocol
First 7 Steps
Step 1: Get Vibrant or Igenex lab tests for:
Lyme, Bacterial Co-infections, Heavy Metals, Mold and Mycotoxins. Ideally under the supervision of a lyme literate naturopathic doctor. These tests will determine the combination of supplements you need.
Step 2: You have to eliminate all bad foods / drinks.
Step 3: You have to consume low carb / low sugars. *Less than 25g carbs / less than 5g sugars / day until health improves.
Keto diet with intermittent fasting.
Step 4: Only consume the choice of foods listed in my Protocol. Or use supplements which will replace them.
Step 5: Get your body fat adapted
Step 6: Fix your gut / GI
Step 7: Once you have no gut / GI problems, you might be able to (based on your needs) increase your liver detox and / or start taking full spectrum binders and / or start your heavy metal detox and / or start your mold / mycotoxins and / or step-up the Lyme / Co-infections Protocol (I use Bill Rawls Lyme Protocol ~ Bill Rawls, MD)
There’s the base of the ALS Protocol. It’s a widely varying (sometimes OMAD, sometimes 2 Meals A Day) Nutritional Ketogenic Diet W/ Intermittent Fasting also called TRKD ~ Time Restricted Ketogenic Diet) but my Protocol has Periodic Prolonged Fasts, (for releasing Stem Cells & to spark Neurogenesis). The exact protocol is based on your exact combination of diseases and how your body is lacking in supplements and minerals. Testing and understanding your symptoms is key to knowing how to treat it.