Food Program
Keto diet with intermittent fasting. Recommended 18 hour fasts per day with 24 hour fasts once per week working up to 48+ hour fasts periodically.
- 6 pasture-raised egg yolks (For those 180+ lbs, 6 eggs / day, For those around 150 lbs, 4-5 eggs / day. Below 130 lbs, 3 eggs / day) Plus 1-2 egg whites. Egg yolks must be uncooked ( in order to preserve the Omega 3’s )
- 5 oz sardines in water / brine or w/ turmeric and spices
- 1-2 avocados ( usually 2 )
- 6 full strips uncured bacon
- 1- 2 slices of toasted low carb Knock Your Sprouts Off sprouted grain bread ( *usually only 1 cause they’re 10g carbs per slice ) w/ 2 tbs Kerrygold butter on each slice
- 8-10 green olives
- 2 -3 Tbs of Dr Berg brand Unfortified Nutritional Yeast ( real B Vitamins ) – 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt
- 1/8 tsp black pepper
- 1/8 tsp garlic powder
- I add turmeric, Curcumin & black pepper, together ( always ) ( anti-inflammatory ) (virtually every day)
- 2-3 cups of 1/2 organic Arabian & 1/2 Ryze mushroom coffee ( lions mane mushrooms are proven to grow new neurons ) 2-3 days / week
- some mornings I’ll drink ( 2 ) 14 Oz glasses of hot water w/ 1/8 tsp garlic powder w/ 1 tbs each of Kerrygold butter.
- some mornings I’ll have 14 oz of hot water w/ 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt
- some mornings I’ll have 14 oz of hot water w/ 2 tbs Ryze mushroom coffee
- I’ll have ( 1 ) 32 oz mug of water w/ 8 tbs of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar w/ mother – Braggs brand , w/ 8 tbs of squeezed lemon juice / day
- I’ll have 24 oz of lemon water / day
Supplements to take when you break your fast: **FULL SUPPLEMENT LIST FOUND IN THE FILES SECTION OF BILL’S FACEBOOK GROUP**
- Dr. Bergs Trace Minerals Enhanced
- Dr. Bergs Unfortified Nutritional Yeast ( real B Vitamins ) 2-3 tbs w/ first meal
- Dr. Bergs Electrolyte Powder
- Dr. Bergs Adrenal Stress
- Dr. Bergs Organic Raw Wheatgrass Juice Powder
- Dr. Bergs D3 & K2 10,000 IU 2 capsules/ day ( *50,000 IU’s / one day day, then 10,000 IU’s the rest of the week, repeat
- Dr. Bergs Liver Cleanse
- Dr. Bergs Cod Liver Oil
- Dr. Bergs 60 Billion Probiotic w/ prebiotic blend
- Dr Emil brand Lions Mane – 2,100 mg organic
- Dr’s Best brand – High Absorption Magnesium – lysinate glycinate 100% chelated
- Emerald B Healthy B Complex
- Pure Encapsulations brand CoQ10 120 mg
- Pure Encapsulations brand – Curcumin
- Garden Of Life brand – Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C
- Vitamatic brand Benfotiamine ( 300 mg / twice / day )
- Natures Life brand Icelandic Kelp
- Instant Immunity brand – Immune Support Formula
- Nutrí Cost brand – Acetyl- L – Carnitine
- Vital Vitamins brand Multi Collagen Complex types l,ll, lll, V, X
- Nature Wise brand Turmeric Curcumin 2,250 mg organic turmeric & 500 mg Curcuminoids
- Nutra Champs brand – Liver Detox & Cleanse
- Bulk Supplements brand thiamine HCL 1,800 mg’s / day
- Sacharromyces Boulardi
2-4 hours after breakfast I consume my 2nd meal of fibrous foods like those listed below, (along with a healthy 3 – 4 oz serving of your choice of healthy meat of your choice) will consist of fibrous foods like sauerkraut, (and other fermented foods / drinks like kefir, kombucha ) kale, broccoli / broccoli sprouts, asparagus, etc. This meal is the meal of mainly fibrous foods which is not for us but rather for our microbiome, as it feeds our microbiome )
Second meal fibrous foods:
- Broccoli sprouts
- Asparagus
- Kale
- Sauerkraut
- Beef Liver * 1 serving / week or my preference, arctic Wild caught cod liver, – Arctic Wild Caught Cod Liver has a lot more mega 3’s than beef liver.
* Fibrous foods feed the healthy gut bacteria. ( Sauerkraut is a superfood) Just one cup of sauerkraut has enough vitamin C to sustain the human body for an entire week!). I eat 1/2 cup sauerkraut ( every other day ) Fermented vegetables and kefir work wonders, are critical in the production needed for diversity & healthy gut microbiome!!
*2 hours after 2nd meal or 20 minutes before, take the Dr Berg brand Electrolyte Powder
Add Complex Carbs 2 Days / Week
On my weekend is when I consume / rotate / add more carbs ( complex carbs in order to remain metabolically flexible ) by consuming: chili beans, black beans, lentil soup, Lima beans, and fava beans / broad beans.
Additional Notes
- 4-6 tbs of organic unrefined cold pressed Virgin coconut oil / day *( but only bi-weekly / every other week )
- High dose ( 1,800 mg ) of Thiamine HCL / day ( *bi-weekly / every other week ) *I mix it in water, drink 1/2 of it in late morning, other 1/2 around 3PM *sometimes I’ll take w/ food during breaking the fast, sometimes not, sometimes w/out food.
- Also add 2-6 tbs of (home made) avocado oil mayonnaise (store bought is twice the price) to most of my foods, for example, I add it to tuna, canned wild caught salmon, fresh salmon, any and all meats (to reduce spikes in insulin).
- 4-6 Oz Canned Wild Caught Salmon 3-5 x’s / week. (Every week.) – Sardines (no preservatives / in water) Once or twice/ week. (Every other week.) – Smoked Oysters ( no unhealthy preservatives/ in brine ) – Once / week. ( Every other week. )
- I have 2 1/2 tsp of Pink Himalayan sea salt/ ( every day ) * normally you only need 1 tsp / salt / day but you need to add 1/2 tsp salt for every 4 cups of coffee you drink ( because caffeine robs the body of salt )
- I have 3 cups Coffee / day ( every day ) & 2 – 16 oz. of green / black tea / every other day ( Polyphenols & antioxidants ) *coffee / tea can inhibit uptake of B1 ( thiamin ) so increase your B1 *Do not drink coffee/ tea if you have kidney or liver problems or symptoms / signs of beriberi
- *Increase your zinc
- I have 2-3 ( 16 oz ) glasses of lemonade made with 2 tbs of Raw Unfiltered Organic Apple cider vinegar added to concentrate lemon juice. ( most often, no sweetener but every other few days I’ll add organic stevia for a sweetener )
Things to avoid
- Avoid all processed foods
- Keep carbs under 25g/ day
- Keep sugars under 4g/ day?
- Avoid all fruit ( except blackberries, blueberries and small unripe bananas. Blackberries and coconut oil have been proven to slow ALS – the vast majority of fruits are naturally high in sugars, so avoid them!! )
- Avoid all vegetable oils
- Avoid Avoid all wheat ( highly inflammatory )
- Avoid all carbonated beverages w/ high fructose corn syrup, or aspartame.
Zevia is a healthy carbonated beverage. It’s available at Walmart. Drink it in moderation and do not drink it until gut / GI are healthy.